24 JANUARY 1891, Page 24


The "twenty-second series" of Vanity Pain. (Vanity Pair Office), is not materially different from its recent predecessors. It suffers, as these have done, from a certain dearth of real celebrities, which indeed the age does not produce in sufficient numbers to meet a steady consumption of one per week. But the scarcity has not ,yet gone to positive famine. There are a few portraits of people whose likeness we are really interested in beholding. There is the Bishop of Lincoln, for instance, a quite admirable picture ; and there is Sir Charles Russell. Three Princes, again—viz., the Duke of Connaught, the Duke of Orleans, and Prince George of Wales—have a sort of claim to a place. Judges—there are four of them—are, to say the least, the prize-winners of their pro- fession. Lord Ralsbury site on the Woolsack, and Mr. Forwood is an important official. Mr. Muttlebury, to judge from the apace which has been given to his exploits in the newspapers, is an im- portant personage. (But surely the notice of this gentleman is somewhat "impertinent," at least in the classical sense of that word.) That there should be a residuum of quite obscure persons, financiers, men of fashion, jockeys, and so forth, is inevitable. As to the portraits, every one knows what they are like. We have expressed our opinion about them more than once, .and need not repeat it.