Archbishop Walsh has parted with his share in the Freeman's
journal, and has written to that paper, now the recognised organ of Mr. Parnell, a most significant letter. It accuses its conductor of writing leaders "not unworthy of the traditions of some leading organ of the Athletic [surely, Atheistic ?] Freemasonry of the Continent." "There is no longer to be kept up even a semblance, even a pretence, of respect for the religious teaching of the religious guides of the Catholic people of Ireland." "Morality is henceforth to take only the second place in public affairs." "It is my duty, the duty of the Bishop of the diocese in which the Freeman's Journal is published, to put the Catholics of Dublin upon their guard against its poisonous teach- ing." That is an open declaration of war, and will doubtless considerably affect Mr. Parnell's chances, at least if the Bishop's flock happens to agree with him. To Protestants it would be much more impressive if the Ai-oh- bishop had not supported Mr. Parnell after his declaration in favour of boycotting. Mr. Gladstone might consider that crime only the equivalent of exclusive dealing, but Dr. Walsh, with the Papal censure in his hands, could not take refuge in that smooth explanation. The Freeman's Journal remains impenitent, republishes the article which gave offence, and tells its readers that it has the profoundest respect for all the Catholic Episcopate !