24 JANUARY 1925, Page 1

The new Government's declaration of policy was made in the

Reichstag on Tuesday. Herr Luther first of all announced his unwavering loyalty to the Weimar Con- stitution and said that any attempt to alter it by violence would be regarded as treason. He sincerely desired " a lasting peace," and for that purpose the Government —but can he really speak for it ?—was determined to abide by-the London Agreement and the Dawes scheme. Dealing With-the alleged default of Germany with regard to disarmament he said that he stood by the Note which had been sent to the Allies by his predecessor. That does not seem very satisfactory when it is remembered that the Allies found the Note distinctly evasive. On the other hand, we must make allowances for the quite exceptional difficulty of Herr Luther's position. If he does not in form carry his Nationalist Ministers with him he will be able to accomplish nothing.