24 JANUARY 1925, page 13

The Toss In Test Matches [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Although there are few lovers of the game who would uphold unnecessary tinkering with the rules of cricket, it seems open to argument whether the time has not......

Railways And Week-end Fares [to The Editor Of The...

Sin,—Several friends have just been discussing with me the subject of week-end railway fares. We all agreed that the railway companies were missing a great opportunity because......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sin,—the Article On This

subject in the Spectator of the 17th inst. is a very timid attempt to point out and emphasize the outrageous lengths to which the tyranny of trade unionism has attained. It is a......

Wholemeal Bread [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...

your article entitled " The New Bread " in your issue of January 17th, we would like to say that we are in entire agreement with what you say there. As the proprietors of an old......

Cambridge In The 'seventies [to The Editor Of The...

SIR,—The interesting article by Dr. Lyttelton in the October number of the Edinburgh Review on " Cambridge in the 'Seventies " ought not to be allowed to pass into the limbo of......