24 JANUARY 1925, page 1

News Of The Week

A FTER an inordinately long period of bargaining among the various parties a new Government has been formed in Germany. Herr Luther, the Chancellor, who himself belongs to the......

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London, W.C. 2.— A Subscription to The "Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage to any part of the world. The Postage on this issue is: Inland, ld.;......

* * * * Turning To The Question Of Joining

the League of Nations Herr Luther said that he must adhere to the conditions laid down by the Marx Government. He also said that as a preliminary Germany must also be freed of......

In The Reichstag On Tuesday The Debate Showed That Nobody

was really pleased by the Chancellor's statement. Count Westarp was the most plain-spoken of the Nationalists. His speech was a challenge. He said that Herr Luther's......

He Went On To Demand From The Allies Further Details

of the alleged default. These will, of course, be supplied. We have several times explained our reasons for deploring our indefinite delay in withdrawing from Cologne. But in......

The New Government's Declaration Of Policy Was Made In The

Reichstag on Tuesday. Herr Luther first of all announced his unwavering loyalty to the Weimar Con- stitution and said that any attempt to alter it by violence would be regarded......