24 JANUARY 1925, Page 12


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your interesting and appreciative note on the fifth birthday of the League of Nations you say that when all the League has done in various spheres is recognized, " it must be admitted that the League has not yet even tackled the great problems of peace and disarmament for which it was primarily intended." This judgment seems a little startling in view of the existence of the Geneva Protocol, which is being criticized in a good many quarters on the ground that it represents an all too vigorous attempt to tackle these great problems. The Protocol after all, whether it embodies good methods or bad, practical or otherwise, is, at any rate, a considered attempt, to which the Assembly has unanimously given an interim endorsement, to do two things and two things alone, to establish peace by outlawing war, and to secure disarmament by direct agreement as well as making armaments unnecessary. The Treaty of Mutual Assistance, ultimately side-tracked as result of action by the British Government, was another and earlier method of tackling the same problems.—I am, Sir, &c., II. WILSON HARRIS.