24 JANUARY 1925, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Major Colfox's recent letter in the Spectator appears to me, as an engineer practising in light, heat, and power supply, one that goes to the root of the whole subject. If we could only overcome the blighting practice of dissociating :coal, oil, gas, electricity, water-power and waste heat, and treat the subject of " light, heat and power " as one that is intimately concerned with all the sources of production, we should get, not one step, but many steps nearer the solution of the problem. The " powers that be " seem determined to keep all these sources of light, heat and power in separate water-tight compartments. The problem of smoke abatement and cheap power is concerned with the whole of these agencies, and not any one of them, or even all separately, as Major Colfox points out. If only Sir Arthur Duckham's advice of eight or ten years ago had been regarded we should by now have arrived at some sort of solution.—I am, Sir, &c.,