TEMPERAMENTAL PEOPLE. By Mary Roberts Rinehart. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s.
6d. net.)
Although apparently most of these stories have appeared before in America, this attractive collection is issued for the first time by an English publisher. The best story in the volume is " A Midsummer Knight's Dream." This deals with life on a ranch in the Far West, and is full of information on a subject with which English people are very little acquainted —the " dudes," or summer visitors from the East. Perhaps, in spite of the local colour in the account of ranch life, " Lily " is really the most successful study in the book. In this the author gives an entertaining analysis of the mind of a philanderer, who is brought back to his conjugal allegiance by discovering that his excellent wife has all through their married 'life been in love with -someone else, Altogether the eight stories are very pleasant reading.