- Queen Victoria has sought refuge from the heat on
the cool bosom 'of the ocean. The necessity of being at hand to communi- cate with her Ministers,—who have had two Cabinet Councils thiS week,thOugh the elections are not conipleted,i7has prevented hei litijestyfrom flying to :the .SeqUeStered eaves and -groves of Balt mdral ; Mid in hen of (that, she has been steaming along the *est:- -ern coasts of therhannet, and-explering the umbrageous rivers of Devonshire. As usual, the Queen's early morning habits have Sometimes taken her sluggard subjects unprepared; while Prince Albert's unceremonious pursuit Of interesting objects has occasion- ally -brought him into contact with persons who,- though in search of him, have not recognized the Prince in the _agreeable gentleman
with whom they have had a half-hour's conversation. - . . .