C4t T*trts.
he reposing list. A few days before it betook itself to its slumbers, a young lady, named Temple, made her appearance in a slight French comedietta ; but the only impression she......
Tamworth Inaugurated A Statue To The Late Sir Robert Peel
yester- day, in the Market Place, in the presence of Sir Robert Peel and Mr. Frederick Peel ; who both addressed the people present. The statue is the work of Mr. Noble, and is......
SATURDAY. The list of Members returned to Lord Derby's House of Commons, as continued for the present week in the table on our second page, makes the total of Ministerial......
The Yacht America, Which Carried Off So Many Laurels Last
year, was defeated by the Arrow and the Musquito in the race for the Queen's cup of the Royal Yacht Club's regatta, on Thursday, off the Isle of Wight. The America does not......
Two Cabinet Councils have been held this week, at the Foreign Office —the first on Tuesday, the second on Friday. Sir John Romilly is reported to have used (we suppose at......
The Declaration Of The Middlesex Poll Was Made At Brentford
on Fri- day— Lord Robert Grosvenor.. .. .. 5241 Mr. Osborne .. 4390 Marquis of Blandford .. 4258 The speaking after the declaration was very similar to that which lids been......
President Bonaparte Left Bade; Where He Had Been Feasting...
dancing, and arrived in Strasbourg on Thursday morning, He proceeded by Luneville and Nancy to Paris ; where he arrived on Friday evening. There was a great assemblage of......
Money Market.
STOCK EXORANOR, FRIDAY Arms:room. . The English Stock Market has continued in the state described in our last report. Stock has been brought, to, market almost daily ; and......