"representation Op Minorities."
Sin—With your correspondent of last week I hope you Will resume the consideration of the injustice done at present by the non-representation in Parliament of local minorities.......
The Governors Of Oxford University.
21st Tuly 1852. Sin—I am one of these who, like yourself, took a keen interest in the late election at Oxford : I rejoice with you that the strange coalition between the driest......
The Queen Has Resolved To Have The Koh-i-noor Diamond Recut,
so as to snake it a more brilliant ornament than it was in the Crystal Palace. Lapi- daries and jewellers were consulted on the feasibility of recutting the gem, and it was at......
LEWIS'S TREATISE ON OBSERVATION AND REASONING IN POLITICS. * IN art, in literature, in ethics, in politics, in religion, the acknow- ledged want of our age is......