24 JULY 1852, Page 9



The list of Members returned to Lord Derby's House of Commons, as continued for the present week in the table on our second page, makes the total of Ministerial Members 294, Non-Ministerial 326 ; ;educing the apparent majority against Ministers to 32. We have not ceased to warn our readers, that the classification is of the loosest kind, and that no reliance can be placed upon it as describing the actual sentiments or probable conduct of the men included in the two totals. The Ministerial journals are counting upon a clear majority for Ministers; and even the ex- .Ministerial Globe allowed them, yesterday, a majority of 1-304 to 303. But the Globe modifies this classification, by naming 36 Members, pledged Free-traders of Liberal leanings, who ought to be deducted from the Ministerial party and classed as "Doubtful." The term might be ex- tended to many more than the 36 ; indeed, we do not remember a general election in which calculations as to the probable votes of the Members returned were so utterly baffling. The only thing which seems certain is, that the Opposition will not possess a majority to turn out Lord Derby's Ministry on the "second vote" announced by Mr. Roebuck at the Shef- field hustings.