An Advanced English Syntax. By C. T. Onions, M.A. (Swan
Sonnenschein and Co. 2s. 61)-Without pretending to have examined it in every clause, we venture to pronounce this a very good book. It deals in a common-sense manner with the intricacies of syntax, and makes one feel that grammar is not quite the arbitrary thing it appears to be in the hands of some compilers of text-books. The type and page are pleasant and clear, and the tables of analysis are roomy enough to be compre- hensible. In short, the book is attractive,-an immense point, or perhaps we should say a point of immense importance. After all, grammar-when once you have left school and may talk and write as ungrammatically as you like-is a very engaging subject of study, and it is most unfortunate that the books which pretend to teach it generally show it in forbidding form.