A Country Diary. By Mrs. Alfred Cock. (g. Allen. 6s.)—
This is a pretty and pathetic little book. At first sight it rather belies one's expectations, which were of changing months, wild flowers, the daily works and joys of a country......
The Amateur Spirit.
The Amateur Spirit. By Bliss Perry. (Gay and Bird. 6s. net.) .--The six essays in this volume are very pleasing examples of what American writers can do in this branch of......
Hall's " International Law."
A Treatise on International Law. By William Edward Hall, M.A. Fifth Edition, Edited by J. B. Atlay, M.A. (Clarendon Press. 21s. net.)—Mr. Hall's work on international law is......
Urban Viii. By William Nassau Welch, M.a. (a. Constable And
Co. as. 6d. net.)—In this monograph, which gained the Lothian Prize in 1903, Mr. Welch disentangles with great skill and patience the complicated threads of European history in......
Bygones Worth Remembering.
Bygones Worth Remembering. By George Jacob Holyoake. 2 vols. (T. Fisher Unwin. 21s.)—We are not sure that all the "bygones" which Mr. Holyoake recalls are "worth remem- bering."......
Ghost Stories.
Ghost Stories of an Antiquary. By Montague Rhodes James, Litt.D. (E. Arnold. 6s.)—There can be no question about the literary merit of these eight stories, and of the ingenuity......