[to The Editor Op The " Spectator."]
SIR,—While staying on the Yorkshire moo r s, I have seen in a provincial paper an account of an interview with Mr. Deakin, the ex-Federal Premier of Australia, on the subject of......
[to The Editor Ow The"spectator. ' ] Sir,—the Point...
William Tattersall in your issue of the 17th inst. is highly instructive and important. It is one, I need scarcely say, to which the attention of the Textiles Committee of the......
[to Trr Editor Op Tide "spectator.“1 Sie,-.-yorp Interest...
clubs is notorious, and is justified by the recent appeal of Lord Roberts ; but does it not seem illogical that whilst on the one hand those who try to do some military service......
[to The Editor Op The "speciator...f
Sra,—We have been instructed by cable from Pretoria by the solicitors to Meyer, Limited, and Messrs. Wilson and Worthington, who held large contracts from the military......
[to Tub Editor Op The "sp*tat011.1 Propos Of Lord Roberts's
appeal for the encourage- ment of rifle-shooting, I cannot refrain from expressing delight and satisfaction that there is one soldier, at any rate, who can feel and interpret......