The Times of Tuesday published an account from its correspondent
of the Pan-German Congress held last Saturday at Worms. The President, Dr. Hasse, welcomed the new forward policy in foreign affairs of the Imperial Government, and congratulated the Chancellor on his brilliant victory in Morocco. " The whole world ought to know that Germany was at all times ready to draw the sword." He regretted, however, the inclination to apply to Morocco "the formula of the open door' suggested to us by England." He recom- mended less uneasiness about what Great Britain might think or say. Resolutions were carried advocating a large increase in the construction of battleships. One of the speakers, General von Liebert, considered that the time was about due for a new trial of strength on the part of Germany. " We cannot help the fact that all the great changes in history have been accomplished through tears and through blood." It is wild talk, for Pan-Germanism is of all forms of Jingoism the most inflammatory, but it is useless to blink the fact that there is a large German public which approves of it.