24 MARCH 1900, Page 1


THERE is a lull in the greater operations in South Africa. Lord Roberts at Bloemfontein is delaying his invasion of the Transvaal in order to clear the country between him and Cape Colony thoroughly alike of enemies and rebels. The enemies are surrendering by hundreds, all Free Staters, in fact, being so willing to submit that Mr. Steyn has publicly threatened them with death,—an impotent threat, but indicative of the leaders' temper. Lord Roberts is also accumulating stores, and providing remounts, it is said successfully, for his great cavalry force. Sir Redvers Buller at Ladysmith also delays his burst through the Drakensberg until the Ladysmith garrison has recovered, and possibly also until his Cornmander.in.Chief is ready. The delay will only last a few days, and is of great use as allowing time for the recent facts to penetrate into the Transvaal. The Transvaalers have been so bemused with falsehoods, especially as to their losses, that they are unable to believe in defeat, or to comprehend that they are now fighting their superior in strategy. The truth, however, always gets through in the end, as it did to the Parisians in 1814, though Napoleon was nearly as bold a manufacturer of news as President Kruger.