24 MARCH 1900, page 21

A Journey Round My Room. By Xavier De Maistre. Lane-

lated by John Andrews, M.A. (Blackwell, Oxford. Ss. Gd.)—De Maistre's book was published in 1794, a second part, entitled "A Night Journey Round My Boom," appearing some thirty......

Old Colonial Houses Of The Cape Of Good Hope. By

Alys Fane Trotter. (B. T. Bataford. 10s. 8d.)—Mr. Herbert Baker prefixes a chapter in which he describes the growth of the Colonial Dutch architecture out of the Dutch style of......

Queen Or President F By S. M. Gluckstein. (grant Richards.)

—This " indictment of Paul Kruger " leaves us in no doubt of the writer's sentiments and opinions. It does not exactly appear on what authority he speaks, but he seems to be......

Some Books Of. The Week.

(Under this heading we no:ice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Evolution. By Frank B. Jevons. (Methuen and Co. 8s. Gd.)— This volume,......

Impressions Of Spain. By James Russell Lowell. Compiled...

B. Gilder. (G. P. Putnam's Sons.)—Mr. Lowell went to Madrid as American Minister in 1877, and remained there till he was transferred to the Court of St. James in 1880. Whether......

A History Of Russian Literature. By K. Waliszewski. . (w....

6s.1—This volume will introduce the reader to a world which, unless he is quite exceptionally well informed, will be mostly new to him. How many could write down the names of......

The Expansion Of The British Empire. By W. H. Woodward.

(Cambridge University Press. 4s.)—Regarded as a text- book Mr. Woodward's little book is just what is wanted,— a clear narrative of the origin of each Colony, the personnel of......

Medicine And The Mind. Translated From The French Of Dr.

Maurice de Fleury by Stacy B. Collins, M.D. (Downey and Co. 12s. net.)—This treatise, to which a prize has been awarded by the Academie Francaise, cannot, from its nature, be......