Anxiety Is For The Moment Confined To The Fate Of
Mafe. king. Colonel Plumer, who is advancing from the North to relieve the town, seems to have been stopped about fifty miles off, probably by some difficulty as to supplies.......
The Informal Appeal Of The Queen To Her People To
recog. nise the heroism of her Irish soldiers has met with an eager response. In all parts of Great Britain, especially the Metropolis, St. Patrick's Day was treated not as an......
News Of The Week.
T HERE is a lull in the greater operations in South Africa. Lord Roberts at Bloemfontein is delaying his invasion of the Transvaal in order to clear the country between him and......
Nowhere Has The Rumour Of Intervention Been More Indig....
resented than in the most radical and democratic of our Colonies. Lord Ranfurly, the Governor of New Zealand, has cabled an important message on this subject to Mr. Chamberlain.......
The Pretorians Have Practically Confessed An...
in Cape Colony. One or two of the latter are being tried for treason, and so concerned is President Kruger about their fate that on February 10th he intimated to Lord Salisbury......