Various rumours have appeared in the Press as to the
whereabouts of the new quarters of the Canadian High Commissioner's offices, but nothing definite has as yet been settled. The lease of the existing Canadian Govern- ment offices in Victoria Street expires in July, and Mr. Larkin, the Canadian High Commissioner, is understood to be considering various sites. For many years Cana- dians have felt that their Government's London offices were entirely inadequate and unworthy of the Dominion, and the writer recalls many conversations in Canada seventeen years ago on this subject. Long before the Commonwealth of Australia obtained its present mag- nificent quarters Canada was said to be about to purchase a site opposite Westminster Abbey, but for various reasons, and primarily, I imagine, because the site was very costly, the scheme came to nought. For a long time the late Lord Grey desired to establish a great Empire Building on the Aldwych site in which he hoped to persuade the Canadian Government to take quarters, but his vision of a great Empire centre in London came to nothing as the various Dominions preferred to be separately housed. Now that Australia, South Africa and New Zealand have their own buildings and even Provinces and States like British Columbia, Queensland and Western Australia have fine premises, it is unthink- able that Canada should remain satisfied with her present quarters.