More Of Mr. Bitrgin's Memories.t
Ma. Brracns, the author of innumerable novels, will soon be known as the author of innumerable memoirs. He has now written a third volume dealing mainly with his early life in......
The Life And Teaching Of Jesus The Christ.*
Tan fact that Dr. Headlam is the one professional theologian of distinction now on the bench gives this book importance, and its qualities entitle it to consideration. In more......
The Tragedy Of Nietzsche.*
Tins vigororis and penetrating character-study is the third of Professor Lavrin's psycho-critical studies ; his previous subjects being Dostoevsky and Ibsen. As a......
Art And Sport.*
THERE is about British Sporting Artists something of the aroma of those delicious sporting books whose price leaves us envious and them behind glass cases at our booksellers.......