Obscure Poetry.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Srn,—Your Poetry Editor deserves the thanks of all students of poetry for the clear and sympathetic statement of the case for some modern......
GREEN RAIN. INTO the scented woods we'll go, And see the blackthorn swim in snow. High above, in the budding leaves, A brooding dove awakes and grieves ; The glades with mingled......
The Unemployed.
THE dead men to the living call : Brothers of old, how goes the day ? Is there ripe fruit on the Southern wall Rich with our blood that rot in clay ? Brothers of the great......
Pull Devil, Pull Baker.
[To . the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] have tried for some time, without success, to discover what is the origin of an old apophthegm, " Pull devil, pull baker," quoted in a recent......
Crashaw's Epigram.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —Thou g h " Nostra culpa" may be appropriate, yet may it tend to assuage the pangs of guilt if one can point to another offender. The "......