24 MARCH 1923, Page 48
Ponjola. By Cynthia Stockley. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d.)
Miss Cynthia Stockley is up to her usual form. There is a countess, widowed on her wedding day by the fatal pistol shot. Incognito, she paints in Paris—we see the studio. Enter the Rhodesian. As all Rhodesians are drunkards, she examines his scarred face for the tell-tale signs of the evil spirit. No signs 1 He is one of those heroes with a constant Kruschen feeling. So, masquerading as a man, she follows him to Rhodesia—a place very like Tattenham Corner on a hot Derby Day ; everybody going the pace ; whisky flowing like water. Then there is the brute who discovers her,secret: Oh 1 how this book will sell I