24 MAY 1879, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The gratitude of all Leeds Liberals has been fairly earned by your journal, for the able and descriptive article on our Leeds demonstration in favour of Mr. Gladstone. This gratitude is the more deserved, as no other Liberal organ in London bestowed similar recognition upon that great event. This seeming neglect,. on the part of those who alone could give due effect to such a splendid gathering of Liberalism, naturally discouraged us ; but when your article appeared, so graphic and truthful in its tone, we felt doubly repaid for all the exertions we had put forth ; still, I think the London public do not fully estimate the magnitude of the fact of nearly 30,000 men coming together (five-sixths of whom• were voters), in an orderly, deliberate manner, to protest against the policy of the present Government, and to do honour to- England's greatest, because purest, statesman ? How many towns in the kingdom could show such a triumphant repulse of the Jingoes, and their tenets of Imperialism ? In York- shire, at least, the " writing on the wall " has been read by Liberals and Conservatives, our demonstration has set every Liberal hard at work, and the pending General Election, either- late or soon, will show throughout our great county the power- of Mr. Gladstone, and of his principles.—I am, Sir, &c.,