Yakoob Khan Has Now Been Fifteen Days In The British
camp, and the Treaty is not made yet, and the official bulletin-makers abuse him as vacillating, unintelligent, and capricious. He is probably only a shrewd bargainer, fighting......
The Duke Of Argyll Made Yesterday Week One Of The
finest speeches to which the House of Lords has listened for many years, in moving for papers concerning the prospects of re- form in European and Asiatic Turkey. He chose the......
News Of The Week.
N O later news has arrived from South. Africa this week, but the fuller intelligence brought by the Pretoria' is f ar from satisfactory. The Boer movement, it is true, reduces......
The Officials Are Quite Aware That This War Is Growing
to alarming dimensions. On Monday night the Duke of Cambridge declared that it placed a great " strain " upon the Army, and admitted, in answer to Lord Truro, that the soldiers......
The Duke Also Assailed Sharply The Afghan Policy Of The
Government, restricting himself, as he said, wholly to the past, and avoiding ground likely to prejudice the pending negotia- tions in Afghanistan; but on this evidence of party......