24 MAY 1879, page 3

The Calcutta Correspondent Of The Times, Telegraphing...

the recent conflagrations at Poonah. They are attributed to " dacoits," that is, bands of armed insurgents,. who are plundering villages in the Mahratta, country. The leader of......

A Meeting, So Crowded That The Duke Of Argyll Could

not get in, was held on Saturday afternoon at Willis's Rooms, to advo- cate the claims of Greece to an extended frontier. The meeting, which was crowded with Members of......

In A Congregation Held At The University Of Oxford On

Thurs- day, a statute was introduced, and its preamble carried by a, majority of 57 placets to 20 non-placets, for the introduction of a new faculty of Natural Science, in the......

The Archbishop Of Aix Has Been Condemned By The French

Council of State for using the churches as places in which to excite agitation against the Government,—that is, for ordering a pastoral attacking the Education Bill to be read......

The Bishop Of Peterborough, In Presiding Last Saturday At...

annual dinner of the Artists' General Benevolent Institution, made himself very amusing. In proposing the toast of " The Army and Reserve Forces," he remarked that since he was......

In An Excellent Speech At Bristol Last Saturday, On The

sub- ject of Intermediate Education, and in favour of a great Coun- cil of Secondary Education, upon which the Government should be represented, and whose duty it should be to......

Yesterday Week Katherine Webster Was Committed For Trial...

murder of Mrs. Thomas, at 2 Mayfield, Park Road, Rich- mond, on or about March 2nd. The prisoner has dismissed or lost her counsel, Mr. O'Brien alone appearing on her behalf.......

Consols Were On Friday 98: To 98;.
