, The. Bishop of London has published a pamphlet on
this and other breaches of the Sunday : and the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Stratton, ha's published a letter. Mr. Taylor seems in a piteous taking his parishioners are so much addicted to jaunting on the first day of the week, that he can't keep six of them in church. There is not much danger of the short stages standing still on Sunday, either to please the Bishop or Mr. Taylor, else we might feel inclined to take their arguments into consideration. One plain answer to the Judaizing spirit that influences all such reasonera, has been often given, but never replied to—a// their proposed measures go merely to abridge the pleasures and convenience of the poor, leaving those of the rich untouched. If the Bishop of London will bring in a Bill forbidding the employment of horses on Sundays, we shall speak to it.