Country Life
THE Marisa MARK. A suggestive example of the interactions of progress came to my "fibtide this week itt- a not unimportant branch of horti- culture. The " National Mark " (a......
The Icemen.
A correspondent asks for some more detailed account of " the three fremen " to whoni I have made occasional reference. It happens that two accounts have just appeared, one in......
On The General Subject Of More Intensive Cultivation A Very
optimistic pamphlet reaches me called " £1,000,000,000 for Industry." It concludes with " a concrete proposal." The author , proposes to set up on a, particular 800 acres a......
A Small Exhibit Of The Ministry Of Agriculture Was Shown
last week at one of the agricultural institutes ; and, in spite of its small proportions, was more interesting—at any rate to the consumer—than most of the more ambitious but......
Small Nurseries.
One cannot visit any well-worked and scientifically man- aged fruit or flower farm without wondering why more amateur •gardeners, especially smaller and poorer gardeners, do not......
A Valley Of Glass. - Among Farming Institutes None Has
more wisely and fruitfully turned its attention to local concerns than " Oaklands" which is found in the grounds of an old country house between St. Albans and Hatfield.......
The Locus Classicus For The Discussion Of Extensive And...
cuftivation is Prince Kropotkin's Fiekls, Factories and Workshops. Since he wrote, partly in order to demonstrate that a very small area of land could support a very large......