Mr. W. L. Andrews In His Quiet, Sane Book Haunting
Years (Hutchinson, 7s. 6d.), an individual history of a man who served the War through in the 4th Black Watch, had as good opportunities of forming an opinion as General......
[We publish on this page articles and notes which may help our readers in their plans for travel at home and abroad. They are written by correspondents who have visited the......
Answers To Questions On Natural History
1. St. Matthew : chap. xvii., verse 27.-1. " My kingdom for a horse ! " : Shakespeare's Rickard III.; - Act V.-3. Ode to. a Favourite Cat drowned in a -Tub. Of Goldfish :......
Mr. Walter D'arcy Creswell, Author Of Poet's Progress...
Faber, 7s. 6d.), is a young New Zealander who apparently believes himself to be the greatest poet in the English language since Tennyson. His book is a description of his......
The Barrister, By Sir Harold Morris, Is One Of The
" Life i and Work " Series issued by Geoffrey Bles (3s. 6d.). There is no very serious attempt in it to explain the fascination which the law has for some minds, but there is......
We Are Glad To Have The Opportunity Of Welcoming A'
valuable commentary on the ghostlore of the sixteenth century. Lewes Lavater's Of Ghostes and Spirites Walking by Nyght (Oxford University Press, 16s.) has been edited by Dr. J.......