Mr. W. L. Andrews in his quiet, sane book Haunting
Years (Hutchinson, 7s. 6d.), an individual history of a man who served the War through in the 4th Black Watch, had as good opportunities of forming an opinion as General Crozier, and he denies the existence of widespread immorality amongst the troops. " We should have been _astounded (he writes) if we could have foreseen the impression of sexual anarchy among us which was to be produced by novelists after the War." Mr. Andrews produces a plain straight-fOrward account of his experiences, as does Mr. Thomas Dinesen in Merry Belt (Jarrolds, 7.. 6d.)—the latter rather- a humdrum story, perhaps, but unique in that it recounts the War career in the Canadian Army of a Dane who was the only foreign holder of the V.C.
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