On Wednesday the Daily Mail, by a natural sequence, - came
out with a leading article in praise of Lord ,BeaverbrOok. " The Central Office," said the Dairy Mail, " has shown every desire to smother the Empire Crusaders with hoStile leaflets. No one can wonder that. Lord Beaverbrook after two months' patient endurance of such tactics has called upon the ConServatiVe leaders -to- forbear further official waste of time,- such as their " Referenduni 'Strategy s Must involve, and to fight the next eleetion on the Plain issue of food taxes." Only a few months ago Lord- Rotherinere was aenouncing the taxation of food as an impossible The Central Office has madoubtedlY published pamphlets pointing out all the difficulties and dangers of Lord Beaverbrooles scheme, but all the 'criticism iii these parnphleta seeths to us to be well considered and very cogent. In the circumstances we may expect before long a grand, concerted attack -on the ReferenduM.