24 NOVEMBER 1894, Page 15


very kind and appreciative article on the above 'subject, in the Spectator of November 17th, you give me, credit in my "Hawarden Horace" for a more extensive solar system than I can honestly lay claim to. The ode " Dorotheam," in your praise of which I entirely concur, is not mine at all, but, as stated in the preface, from the pen of my friend, Mr. E. V. Lucas.—I am, Sir, &o., [We must apologise for carelessness in not referring to the preface again to see whether the ode "Ad Dorotheam" was or was not Mr. Graves's own. We had read the preface care- fully, bnt had forgotten which of the poems were specified as by friends. The ode seemed so instinct with Mr. Graves's own kindliness of feeling that we rashly assumed that it must be his. We are happy to find that there is another poet of the same stamp.—En. Spectator.]