The Adventures Of Leonard Vane, By E. J. Bowen....
—This is rather longer than most books intended 'for boys who have a natural turn for adventure ; but, although long, it does not contain a single dry or even uneventful page.......
Recent Novels.*
THOSE who remember Orthodox, that remarkable story of Jewish life in Transylvania (and it was a book difficult to forget), will not regard Lot 13 as an example of Miss Gerard's......
Wild-flowers In Art And Nature.* This Book, As Its Title
indicates, will interest students of Nature as well as students of Art, for the wild-flowers in its pages are treated botanically as well as artistically, with some amount of......
Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOKS. Six Thousand Tons of Gold. (A. D. Innes and Co.)—In virtue of the scenes of adventure which constitute the leading feature of this book and its general tone of wild......