24 NOVEMBER 1894, page 16

The Word "parson."

[TO Ts EDITOR OP THZ SPECTATOR."] SIRj " A good man was ther of religioun, And was a pore Persoun of a toun." Chaucer applied the word with all respect to one of the secular......

[to Tsr Editor Op The " Spectator:']

Srn,—On the subject of the word "parson," you may think the following extract from "The Table-Talk of John Welden" interesting :—" Though we write 'parsoa' differently, yet it......

[to Viz Editor Op Viz " Spectator, " ] Sir,—in A Short

letter I sent you last week on " The Word 'Parson," I should be rather grateful if you would correct a misprint, caused, I fear, by my bad writing. "Mark " should be " mask "......


SHAKESPEARE'S HEROINES.* THIS is a subject of which the world will never tire. Other fashions pass and die, however fascinating ; all other galleries of portrait beauties fade......


TO ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER BENSON. IN that grave shade august That round your Eton clings, To you the centuries must Be visible corporate things, And the high Past appear Affably......