The Tale of Chloe, The Story of Bhanavar the Beautiful,
and Selected Poems. By George Meredith. (A. Constable and Co. 3s. 6d. net each volume.)—It was well to publish in pocket editions two of Mr. Meredith's most charming short stories, and to republish at a cheaper price the Selected Poems. The last volume contains among others the beautiful "Love in the Valley" and "Ballad of Fair Ladies in Revolt," which admirers of Mr. Meredith's poetry will be glad to have in such a dainty form. The ever-delightful Chloe is also a desirable pocket volume ; and as for the tale of Bhanavar, which is new to us, in it Mr. Meredith has made incursions upon the "Arabian Nights" with much success. The luxuriant style, the imagery, the daring fancy, are all of the East ; only the little snatches of song which are scattered throughout the narrative bear Mr. Meredith's own impress. It is a quaint conceit, skilfully wrought, and slight enough to suit its present form.