Mr. Munro-ferguson, Who Recently Resigned The Post Of...
made a rather remarkable speech at Leith last Saturday night. The pith of his address, in which the difficulties of Parliamentary life were set forth with the utmost candour,......
We Have To Record With Sincere Regret The Death, At
the age of fifty-eight, of Sir Arthur Sullivan, the most popular British composer of the century. Years before the Savoy triumvirate was formed we ventured to predict in these......
Sir H. Fowler On Wednesday Delivered A Most Solid Speech
to his constituents. We cannot agree, as we have said else- where, with his praise of Lord Rosebery's speech at Glasgow, except as a splendid literary effort ; or wish, as he......
Sir Frederick Bramwell's Scheme Of Metropolitan Street...
the construction of the " rows " in Chester, has naturally attracted a good deal of attention. In this scheme the ordinary street footway and shops would remain, but on the top......
An Important Judgment Was Delivered On Wednesday In The...
of Appeal, overruling Mr. Justice Farwell's decision in the Taff Valley Railway case. The Judge in vacation was asked for an interim injunction against the Amalgamated Society......
At The Complimentary Public Banquet To Mr. Horace...
in the Rotunda, Dublin, on Tuesday, Lord Dafferin, who presided, paid an eloquent tribute to the services of the guest of the evening. Mr. Plunkett, he said, had indisputably......
The Victoria University, Which Comprises The Owens...
College, Liverpool, and the Yorkshire College, Leeds, has taken the first step towards a very important development of its work. At a meeting of its Court, held last week, it......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday 98i.......