The Callousness Of Children.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE 'SPECTATOR.'] SIR, —In your interesting article in the Spectator of Novem- ber 17th under the above heading you observe, and I think very justly, that......
(to The Editor Of The "spec-tamil") Sin, — May I Appeal To
your well-known fairness with regard to some expressions in your article on "Ritualism and Prose- cution " ? (1) There are no doubt foolish clergymen as well as foolish laymen,......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator.")
Srs,—In your leader on "Ritualism and Prosecution" (November 17th) you say, " The question whether or not the Bishop possesses a veto under the Act of 1840 is not perfectly......
Hell Rather Than Annihilation ?
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "Serctsroa.") SIR,—Your interesting remarks in the Spectator of Novem. ber 10th about Huxley's preference of hell (in moderation) to utter extinction very......
" Religio Laici."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Si,—Will you allow me a small space for comment on Mr. Gainsford's letter in the Spectator of November 17th ? I shall not trouble you......
Ritualism And Prosecution.
(To TEl EDITOR OP TEl "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—I should like to emphasise one or two of your argu- ments (Spectator, November 17th) in favour of supporting the Archdeacons' memorial.......
(to The Editor Op The "spectator.")
Sra,—May I add to "W. W.'s " parallel to Professor Huxley's expressed horror of annihilation the following lines from my old friend Thomas Cooper's not-yet-forgotten poem, the......