ScaooL-BooKs.—The London School Atlas. By H. 0. Arnold- Forster, M.A.
(London School Atlas Company. 3s. 6d.)—The maps are physical and political. Obviously, then, the insertion and omission of details must be determined both by geographical and historical considerations. To use an illustration of the editor, Evesham, which would not have a claim to insertion for what it is, has it as a battlefield. The meaning of a map is expounded ; illustrative examples are given, and the maps them- selves are well executed. The publishers certainly give excellent value for the money.— Selections of German Idioms. Prepared and tranalated by Myra Taker, under the Direction of F. F. Roget. (Macmillan and Co. 35. 6d.)—Supplement to the Welling- ton College French Grammar. By H. W. Eve and F. de Baudin.
(D. Nutt. 2d. net.)—A timely reproduction of the licenses tolerated by the arrete of July 31st, 1900, issued by authority in France (political, not literary, authority, as Messrs. Eve and Baudin remind us).—In the "Self-Educator Series," edited by John Adams, M.A. (Hodder and Stoughton). French, by John Adams (23. 6d.)—Inductive Geometry for Transition Classes. By H. A. Nesbitt. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 13. 6d.)—Botanica/ Tables for the Use of Junior Students. By Arabella Buckley. (E. Stanford. ls. 6d.)