ON Tuesday N. Clemenceau delivered a speech in the French Senate on the general policy of the Government, in reply to a Conservative interpellation. He defended the appointment of General Picquart, and on being asked to reply " Yes " or "No" to the question, "Is there a Military Convention with England?" said that he could give neither answer. "AU I can say to you is- that I do not think any such Convention exists." He declared that he had not changed his opinion regarding the inventories, which were still necessary for the transfer of property on December 12th; he bad only given the insurgents a longer space for reflection. His policy towards the strikers did not involve civil war. "I ant bound to use the Army to obtain respect for the law, and I shall have the law respected by the. Catholics as well as by the strikers." He aimed at no dictatorship, for a Parliamentary vote could any day destroy his authority. It was a speech of remarkable force and brilliance, and a vote of confidence in the Govern- ment was carried by 213 to 32.