- A Larger Number Of Chnrchmen Anxious For A Settlement
of the education controversy on reasonable, and moderate lines would have been present hut for the fact that the deputation was organised at very short notice. Letters......
Commander Peary's Long Telegram From Labrador, Repro-...
New York Herald in Thursday's Times, gives a vivid account of his Arctic experiences during the past' twelvemonth. The northward voyage was dangerous and difficult, and his......
On Tuesday Mr. Root Spoke At Kansas City On The
Monroe doctrine and the position of the South American States. Fresh froin . his tour round the Southern continent, he is anxious to awaken American interest in, and to......
The Archbishop Of Canterbury's Reply, Though Guarded,...
chief representative of the Church of England is willing to further every honest effort to arrive at a settle- ment on national lines of the education controversy. The most......
On Thursday The Archbishop Of Canterbury Received At...
a deputation of Churchmenon the Education Bill. Among those constituting the deputation were the Right Hon. Henry Hobhouse (chairman of the Somerset Education Committee), Mr.......
On Tuesday Mr. Fielding, The Dominion Minister Of...
at Montreal an important speech on Canadian fiscal policy. There were differences of opinion, lie said, in every province on the tariff question, but there was always the danger......
. The 'daily Mail On Monday Contained A Striking Article
from its correspondent, Mr. F. A. Mackenzie, on the future of Manchuria. The question which Chinese statesmen are asking themselves is whether or not Japan wishes to annex it.......
Mr. Henry Hobbouse, Who Spoke First, Pointed Out The Many
encouraging signs that compromise was desired on both sides. There were no doubt extremists in both camps who desired to fight to a finish, but he believed that these extremists......
The Words Just Quoted Indicate That If The Round-table...
suggested by Mr. Hobhoase can be .brought into existence, the Archbishop would enter upon it with every desire for a peaceful solution. We believe that a similar spirit is to be......