The Bill For Feeding School-children Now Before The House Of
Commons is severely criticised by Mr. 0. S. Loch, the secretary of the Charity Organisation Society, in Monday's Times. Mr. Loch attacks the root principle of the Bill as......
Mr. Haldane, It Will Be Remembered, In A Speech At
Reading in October, announced that be was preparing a scheme for the effective training of selected officers in business methods. At present a soldier has no chance of learning......
Pressure On Our Space Has Obliged Us To Withhold Until
the present issue notice of the death of Miss Dorothea Beale, the Principal of Cheltenham College. That a national loss has been sustained by her death is shown not merely by......
Professor Dicey And Professor Westlake Contributed To...
letters on the Trade Disputes Bill. They take the wise course of pointing out a few simple con- sequences which will result should what Professor Dicey calls "this astounding......
The Proceedings In Parliament Have Not Been Of Great...
during the week. In the House of Lords the most important alteration made in the Education Bill has been the excision of the clause creating a special Educational Council for......
The Teaching Of Hygiene And Temperance In Primary Schools...
for the last three years occupied the attention of the leaders of the medical profession, and a deputation headed by Sir Thomas Barlow, Sir Victor Horsley, and other distin-......
The Words Just Quoted Indicate That If The Round-table...
suggested by Mr. Hobhoase can be .brought into existence, the Archbishop would enter upon it with every desire for a peaceful solution. We believe that a similar spirit is to be......
Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.
Oct. 19th Consols (2 1 I ) were on Friday 86i—on Friday week 86k.......