Pressure on our space has obliged us to withhold until
the present issue notice of the death of Miss Dorothea Beale, the Principal of Cheltenham College. That a national loss has been sustained by her death is shown not merely by the striking tributes to her memory that have appeared in the Times and elsewhere, but by the services held in St. Paul's yesterday week and at Gloucester, where the urn containing her ashes was laid in the Lady Chapel of that Cathedral,—services attended by multitudes of her pupils as well as by repre- sentatives of the House of Commons, the Board of Education, and many societies, philanthropic, educational, and religious. Miss Beale has passed away full of years and honours. The Borough of Cheltenham made her an honorary freeman, and the University of Edinburgh conferred on her the degree of LL.D. But her best monument is in the hearts and lives of the thousands of women who have been trained in the great school over which she presided for nearly fifty years.