A Reuter telegram dated Warsaw, October 21st, and pub- lished
on Friday, is an indication of the nature of the defeat. It runs as follows : "Numerous parties of German prisoners are continually being brought in here. Among them is a General who had brought gifts to his troops from the Kaiser." The Kaiser is apparently at the moment keeping his Court in a barbed-wire enclosure inside the frontier of Russian Poland, but no doubt he will soon take the train again, for he seems determined to re-earn his old nickname of the " Reise-Kaiser." We would advise our readers to discount all rumours as to his being ill or depressed or in "a state of fury," and so forth. It is far more likely that he is still possessed of the idea that all is well, and that, even if the process of crushing all his foes to the dust is not quite as rapid as he thought it would be, his power of direction, supported by a loyal and obedient nation, will carry him to victory. He is a great optimist, whatever else he may be.