Autres Nations, Al7tres Mceurs.
[TO THE EDITOR OF VIZ "srscrAroa.71 SIR, — The German Emperor's injunction to his troops in China, " Quarter is not to be given. Prisoners are not to be made," finds a curious......
The Sea Queen Wakes. [to Vii Editor Or Tr' "spictator..1
SIR, — At the time of the Jameson Raid, when the German Emperor sent his famous telegram to President Kruger and a Special Service Squadron of the Navy was formed, a remark-......
Dr. Johnson And Frederick The Great.
[To THE EDITOR or THE "SrzcTrroa. - ] SIR, —I happened to be reading Dr. Johnson's biographical sketch of the King of Prussia, published in 1756, and found the following curious......
The Belgian Invasion Of Holland.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." - ] SIR, — Holland, though a neutral country, is suffering acutely from the war. There is a great deal of unemployment, and trade is almost at......
Poems Of Peace.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, —American newspapers have, most of them, reprinted Southey's "Battle of Blenheim," this month or last. But who wrote the first great......