[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—American newspapers have, most of them, reprinted Southey's "Battle of Blenheim," this month or last. But who wrote the first great poem of peace ? Charles d'Orleans,
in the fifteenth century, sang in his English prison :—
"Priez pour pain, donee Viergo Marie, Reins des cieux et du monde maistresse, Faites prier, par vostre courtaisie, Saints of saintes, et prenez vostre actress° Vera vostre fils, reqnerant sa hautesse Qu'il lui plaice son people regarder Quo de son sang a vouln racheter, En deboutant guerre quo tont desvoie; De prieres ne vous veuiilez baser, Priez pour pair, le vrai tresor de joie."
Will the greatest poem inspired by the world war—I am sure it remains to be written—prove to be a poem of peace P—I am, New York City.