Cross-currents In America.
[To Till EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR."] Sra, — American comment flows on. Thus, an Anglican clergyman in Massachusetts—closely connected by marriage with Mr. Choate—writes :— "......
Lord Roberts's Appeal For Field Glasses.
[To SHE EDITOR or THE "SrEcrAros."] SIR, — As you kindly allowed me to appeal through your columns to owners of field glasses to give the use of their glasses for our......
Britain, Japan, And America.
[To SEE EDITOR OF MO "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,— Shortly after the Boer War I remember having an interesting conversation with a Japanese gentleman who, as a representative of the......
Letters To The Editor.
THE GOVERNMENT SEPARATION ALLOWANCE. [To TIM EDTTOE Or TEl " SmTATM"" Sin,—As one who has been working for the last two months among the soldiers' wives in a very poor district......
America And Britain.
[To Tun EDITOR 01 TEE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I enclose extracts from a letter from a distinguished scientific and professional friend in New York, which may be of interest as to......