[TO THE EDITOR OF VIZ "srscrAroa.71 SIR,—The German Emperor's injunction to his troops in China, " Quarter is not to be given. Prisoners are not to be made," finds a curious parallel in the orders of the Committee of Public Safety in 1797, but in the latter instance at least these orders were disregarded. Taine (La Revolution. III., Tome IV., pp. 150-151) writes :- " Par bonheur les soldats Francais sentent la noblesse de leur metier; an commandement de fusilier lea prisonniers, un brave
sergent repond : Nous ne les fusillerons pas, envoyez-les la Convention; si les representants trouvent du plaisir I tuer un
prisonuier, ils peuvent bien is tuer eux-m'emes, et is manger anssi, comma des sauvages qu'ils sont.'" Scauthy, Lincs.
—I am, Sir, &c., R. N. SUTTON NELTHORPE.