Last Saturday the new light cruiser 'Undaunted,' accom- panied by
four destroyers of the " L " class, had a considerable success in the North Sea. Four German destroyers were sighted off the Dutch coast, and these were all sunk, with a loss of only one officer and four men wounded—one of whom, we regret to say, has died since—in the British vessels. The damage to the British vessels, moreover, was slight. Thirty-three German survivors were made prisoners. Captain Cecil Fox of the Undaunted' was in command of the Amphion ' when she was sunk by a mine earlier in the war. The Undaunted' is a sister-ship of the Arethusa,' which rendered most distinguished service in the action in the Bight of Heligoland. Whether by the good fortune of war or the skill of their officers—perhaps a mixture of both—these light and speedy new cruisers have certainly done credit to their designer.