It is admitted that the Emperors of Russia and Austria
are to meet very soon, if they can find a place tolerably free from peril of dynamite. It is supposed, therefore, that the Triple Alliance is to be renewed, and the various populations in Austria are keenly excited. The Slays like the idea, because they think there may be a partition of the Balkans, which would make their race predominant in the Empire. The Hungarians, on the other hand, do not like it, for the same reason, and are publicly pro- testing against the interview. Nor do the Germans like it. Their view is that as long as Austria and Germany are allied, Austria is at once safe and German, and that is their ideal position. The Emperor, however, as yet holds the reins of his three horses, though he has to drive them tandem and though the front one sometimes stares him in the face, and he will manage the inter- view. Its results will probably be peace for the time, with an increase of Russian influence in Bulgaria, of Austrian influence in Servia, and of German influence in Denmark. It may, how- ever, have more decided consequences, as the three Emperors, when in accord, and not compelled to act by sea, represent an impregnable mass of physical force. They control thirteen hun- dred thousand soldiers, on the peace-footing, and all cantoned in Europe.