The Abbot's Farm. By H. Tanner. (macmillan End Co.)—quite...
reading, if only as an instructive, and interesting story of farm work and farm troubles. Perhaps farmers and agricultural chemists will discover not a few" fads" and fancies in......
A Little Child's Monument. By The Hon. Roden Noel. (c.
Kegan Paul and Co.)—A. book that expresses throughout strong personal feeling is, no more than a book of devotion, a fit subject for criti- cism. The gift of verse is naturally......
American Farming And Food. By Fiulay Dun. (longmans.)—...
of this volume have been, for the most part, already published in the columns of the Times, to which the author contri- buted a series of letters in 1879 and the following year.......
Current Literature.
Six Months in Mecca. By T. F. Keane. (Tinsley Brothers.)—Mr. Keane followed the example of Burckhardt and of Captain Burton, and, by professing Mahomraedanism, found his way......
Fiji As A Colony.*
THERE is no literary value whatever in this book. The author , Mr. John Horne, though he is Director of Woods and Forests in the Mauritius, and publishes by request of Sir......
Contributions To Military And State Medicine. By John...
I. (J. and A. Chnrchill.)—This volume consists of two parts, of which the more important, or anyhow the more interest- ing, to the general reader, is that which has to do with......
The Essential Characteristics Of The Romantic And...
C. H. Herford, B.A. Members' Prize Essay. (Heighten, Cam- bridge.)—The writer draws his illustrations from English literature, showing a fairly wide reading and some......
Pastoral Days; Or, Memories Of A Yew-england Year. By W.
Hamilton Gibson. (Chatto and Windus.)—This is a book of pretty descriptions of New-England scenery, as it appears through the cycle of the seasons. An English reader cannot......